Your Friendly Neighbourhood Guy

Location: Punngol, Singapore

Sunday, July 31, 2005

ERP maddness!

In time the ERP will be covering every corners of Singapore. The question is, are ERP really necessary? On 1st of Aug the next ERP will be on operation, will more motorists be distressed or are they feeling numb about it? The lastest ERP which operate on CTE from the direction towards AMK doesn't seems to be effective. The reason, during peak hours there will only be slow moving traffic towards AMK and traffics always cleared after AMK Ave 5. The maximum possible time stuck in this slow traffic for this short distance will cause motorists at most half and hour. Since the widening of the CTE towards AMK, traffics there had improved significantly and jamming at this area had minimised. And since traffic had improved why is ERP still necessary here? Is building of ERP really a strategy to tackle traffic issues or had it become the most convenient ways to impose restriction but not maximizing effectiveness in this issue? LTA need feedbacks from the public (especially cab-takers and motorists) in order to decide the best gantry location before Singapore is infested with them.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Singapore teenager

Few weeks ago, I was on the NE train to town and I witness this remarkable act by a young teenager around 14 or 15 years old. He was wearing a demin jacket and had messy but stylish hair. Young clean face he has and he was with 2 older looking friend and another guy around his age. Four of them was sitting on the floor, and the first act that the boy caught my attention was opening a pack of cigarettes. The first thing that comes to my mind was " whoa lau this boy how old only, get caught then u know!" obviously nobody would care about this. Ok, next I was watching him what he was going to do with this wrapper. Guess what, he was looking around like he was expecting to see a dustin in the train then he attempted to open the train DOOR while the train was moving!I was bewildered!!

Ok so he attempted to open the train door, pushing clumsily on the door. I was thinking "oh come on how can you open the door man! The door is tightly shut my mechanism". Damn I was wrong, to my surprise he actually managed to OPEN the door letting gust of wind into the cabin. He didn't manage to throw the wrapper because of the wind rushing in.What the H*** is he trying to do? Can't he just wait to throw that rubbish later!! My safety is at stake man! What if the train stopped due to some safety precaution issue. Ok, pardon me for my ignorance. I was stupefied by his act and everyone else was looking at him SHOCKED by his ignorance act. In my mind I was thinking been a good citizen of Singapore I should had handed him to the police. So that was running in my mind but it never happened. I guess in the end I was out of guts to do it. Confronting someone is just not my style yet. So in the I just let the whole incident bypass me...(Shame on me)

The question is, are there not any monitoring systems on the train to ensure that the train are shut at all time. Or to warn the on duty crew that someone had opened which door. What the kid was doing might had posed great danger to himself or to the train cabin passenger. There got to be some kind of safety monitoring system on the train.Just hope SMART will come out with something soon. Well, that kid was lucky to get away with that, but he wouldn't be that lucky the next time!