Your Friendly Neighbourhood Guy

Location: Punngol, Singapore

Thursday, March 16, 2006


For sometime I had been thinking about how I am going to let my mum know more about Christianity. It’s always difficult to drill the correct perception of Christianity into traditional Chinese. So I started praying a few days ago that I have the opportunity to heal her, and about 2 days later which is today my mum told me that she is having a headache. She told me most likely that the headache was caused by worrying too much or common headache. Immediately, I sensed the chance to fulfil the needs for her. She started talking about moving out and having conflict with my dad. I started listening and arguing with her about how wrong her thinking was but to no avail I think. But I still see the need to heal her and to show her love. So when she was in her bed room arranging and checking her stuffs as usual. I went over and ask her how she feeling, and I said let me pray for you. She was shock for a moment and rejected the idea immediately but I insisted. She claimed my religion is different from hers and that will make her crazy. Ha but I told her I praying for her headache and she have to believe in me and she agree. She did not really believe that my laying of hand and praying for her will heal her but I can sense that she was really touched by what I did. I want her to realise that her son indeed love her very much despite the differences and he had changed for the better. Just as Pastor Kong had said before no one will turn down a healing offer. Well, now at least she gets to know my religion better and this first step to my goal.

they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." MARK 16:18 (NKJV)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The ride with the durians

I heard a funny joke yesterday when I was on the bus, and it brought a big grin on my face. So here it goes...

There was a guy call Ah Hua who was travelling back from Bei Hai Dao to Penang with his girlfriend. Before he rode back on his motorcycle they bought a bag full of lurians and head towards Penang. Half way through the journey, Ah Hua heard a big bang! And he shouted to his girlfriend, "LURIANS KAH LOKS AH???!!" and his girlfriend shouted back "BO KAH LOK! BO KAH LOK!" so AH HUA thought its ok and he continued to ride. When he reached his destination, AH HUA got off the his motocycle and noticed his girlfriend was not wearing a helmet and he questioned her about the helmet. Then her girlfriend said, "I told you bo kah lok loh!"

Saturday, March 04, 2006


The tapping of rain falling on the roof of every households
The chilling wind swirled pass every obstacles
Men hiding behind doors, was able to stay warm and safe
He was feeling lazy and relax
turning on the TV only to watch boring commercials
He really need to get out of the house
He really needs motivation, to give and provides
When was the last time he shared love
Get out of this house in this midst
Find someone out there
Reach out those helping hands and lead them out of this storm