Your Friendly Neighbourhood Guy

Location: Punngol, Singapore

Monday, April 17, 2006

Opposing the closest

How does it feel to have the whole family against what you are doing? I can tell you that it is kinda like you no longer belong to this house anymore. Seriously you will feel like moving out from it. Well, escaping is the easiest way out isn't it. Arrggg! This is tough to go through! Maybe I should call this the transition period. The famous story of the moth may be the best way to describe what I am going through. I really long for understanding but I know it will not happen now. This gonna take years... Looking at the situation, I think I am really helpless. And I hate to be in a position where there is nothing I can do. Well, I think everyone feels the same way, everyone want to be in control and when you don't, you feel lost! No matter how bad is the suitation now, I gonna believe that things will iron out fine someday. I am going to stand strong in faith and continue to pray...

[God] has restored our relationship with him through Christ, and has given us the ministry of restoring relationships.
2 Corinthians 5:18

Monday, April 10, 2006

My birthday wish

Church service today was fantastic for me, I felt a strong emotion in me as I was singing the songs. It just seems to reignited the fire in me. I can only describe this feeling as hunger. I had been thinking about certain phases in the bible and had questioning how much faith do I have. I had yet to be tested I guess. There was a leaflet in the bulletine today asking for bone marrow donation. This thought just came to my mind, the best way to step up in faith now is to register for this bone marrow donation. Bone marrow donation had been something that I always wanted to do, but have not gotten the chance and courage to do it before. Yes, i admit I am afraid if I am choosen for the donation. But this is the best time to lay my life in God's hand and step up in faith. For I hope my bone marrow can really save someone's life, and when it does God is with me.

This coming Good Friday is my birthday, and I couldn't find any better chance for me to tell my Mom about my wish to be water baptized. For I had been praying for the chance and best time to speak to her about this, and the answer came to me this night. During the pre-birthday celebration at CG, I was asked to make two wishes for my birthday. But I realised what I had wished that time is not really what I wanted most of all. Today I realised the greatest gift that I want is nothing materialistic but is just a smile and "OK" from her when I tell her about it... and I will be more contented than anything esle.