Your Friendly Neighbourhood Guy

Location: Punngol, Singapore

Monday, January 23, 2006

I not stupid too

I just watched "I not stupid too", it’s a fantastic show that reflect the life of teenagers in Singapore. The show really touches on issues about family life and how negligence parents can be. Of course teenagers choose their road but parents are there to guide and assist them. I think it had been ages since I tio tan bo cried in the cinema,Heng! It talks about communications in the family and how communications with kids are not brought across the right way. This really ring a bell in me and make me feel how real this is, my family really lack the communication and support that we need. It really motivated me, wanting to bring my whole family to watch it, but it also proved how difficult it is to bring them to watch it. Anyway I had given up pestering them to watch, and instead they insist on watching fearless which I feel it’s a 3 stars movie. Oh well, I had given in to them, let them be and most likely will just get the VCD for them when it’s out and hope that they will still get the meaning through the small screen TV. Bottom line, you go and watch that too if u can, always support local production and this is by far one of the most worth watching local movie to date. Anyway remember this, no one is stupid just that he is not up for this task.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Credit to those that sponsor photos

Before I posted the blog "Jog, Roller Blade and Bowl" I had been telling myself that I must remember to give credits to the people who provided the photos. Coz not all of these photos are taken by me. This I must confess. This forgetfulness had caused someone to be knocking on my email and demanded an explaination haha =P its quite true. I didn't make this up haha.
ok ok i promise i will go and edit them...just be sure to check them out again.

Jog, Roller Blade and Bowl

Ok, seriously this is a siong day but fun healthy style day heehee. I didn't manage to take most of the photo but I at least I think might be able to cover some of the areas that Wanli and Calista did not cover. Alright, and here are the pictures...

Brother Zi Wei, Casper(the Dog) and Jasintha enjoying the Sun...

Brother Zi Wei and Me (Thanks Wanli for providing this picture =))

Handsome looking Casper doing his walk (Credit to Wanli, Thanks again)

Calista with her beloved Lucky and Brother Zi Wei with Casper (Thank you very much WanLi again for the third time hehe)

Well, do you agree if I say that this is a great picture? =P

Ok, give me some support! I am trying to be artistic here.

Our stylo Calista with her beloved Lucky.

Kelvin with his winning pose!

She's young, she funk, she's stylish, she's Calista!

The Handsome duo!

When you are tired you lose your image...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Life Update and what is charity all about

A little about what I had been doing recently, I had been rushing for my assignments recently and it’s really a nightmare. Every morning when I wake up the first thing that crosses my mind is "Haiz... have to pia assignment again". I never feel like his before when I work haha, guess I must had prefer working. Well, now I am clearing my leaves and waiting for my ORD date to draw nearer so that I can be officially called "Mister" and not sergeant haha. Anyway those who are interested, my ORD date is on 21st of Jan and if you wanna celebrate this special day for me feel free to call =p

I haven't been watching much of the charity show after they started to flood most of the charity show on Sunday evening. Its just bore me abit, as it gets to common. And of cos if it’s from NKF then I certainly wouldn't bother about watching also. But last Sunday night I was kinda free and in relax mode so I tune in to this Ren Ci charity show. As always, the stunts are great and some are even artistic. But the calls are coming in real slow, it was not until Ming Yi Fa Shi proved his welfare for his patients that the calls started to jump real fast. Being the chairman of Ren Ci, it was an admirable act for him to walk on pole(s) at 66 storeys high. Where was Durai when the NKF charity show was aired last time? It was quite a shame that Jacelyn Tay actually make a fuss about her injury and quit the show, guess we will never see her again in such event next time. As for Belinda, I must say she had shown great support and perseverance despite her injury in performing the dances and stunts. At least for now Ren Ci charity is one that we can trust and support.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Family tie

I think in 26 years of my life I had never sat down and chit chat with my mom for more than 5 times... how sad isn't it. And life in the family had been going well for many years now. Well, of course that doesn't mean that are always quarrels this and that...but mostly quiet, because we don't communicate that often. So less talk equal less disagreement. And it always had been like this, and this is how I was brought up without much interference from my parents too. And so I grew out making many decisions on my own and depend mainly upon myself when I am met with any problems in life. I started going church recently cause of some encouragement from one of my classmate (hereby I thank you Yanlin,if you are reading this =P). The reason behind is because I wanna change my life and hopefully makes it better. I was hesitance to actually let my mom know about this, because I confirm she definitely will not be happy about it. The fact is, not only I want to make myself better I want my family to be a happier family too. So on my way home, I told myself that I must tell her about this (hoping to get support for what I am doing) so that there is at least some communication go on. Of course, if I want to make my family a happier one I had to make this big step that is to sit down and chit chat with her. But as you always know, thinking is always so much easier to actually carrying out the thoughts right. So as you should have guessed correctly, anyone who had so much thoughts in mind on the train, when it comes to the critical moment it always failed to be carried out haha. But I must say that I almost failed, but didn’t ;) I began to have the conversation after my mom started telling me about some insurance stuffs about my father. So I make use of the opportunity to tell her what I had been going recently, of course, she was disgusted when I spell the word church in teochew. Of course I made her listen…briefing summarise my 26 years in a few mins. And we talk, and talk…we talk about my brothers, my sisters, exercise, dad…aunts…my philosophy in life etc. In the end, I think we talked about more than an hour. I believe she was happy having me talking to her, she cried at some parts of the conversation and I guess that would had made her feel better that at least someone else close to her know about her problem a little more. I want to change things at home, and I hope what I did today will change everyone life in my family in days to come.